
Church of God World Mission Society & AhnSahngHong Christ [Heavenly Mother, God the Mother]

Church of God World Mission Society & AhnSahngHong Christ

So by now some have learned or at least heard of Christ Ahnsahnghong as the 2nd Coming Christ prophesied in the Bible. So if He has brought about so much talk, then you can guess how much people have wandered about the Church he Himself established. Here's the Truth. Church of God was established in 1964 by Ahnsahnghong in Korea (in order to fulfill Bible Prophecy). At the time, only a few knew and followed. Now we are living in 2007. It has been 43 years since the Church was established...and now...you can find Church of God World Mission Society in over 120 Countries and counting!!! EVERYONE is hearing the Good News of Christ Ahnsahnghong and the Heavenly Mother Jerusalem worldwide! How can this be?? A man appears and teaches the Bible, something we've had for hundreds of years, and causes such a drastic movement in the Christian faith. North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia...ALL these continents have been reached! Now let's see how God's word is fulfilled.

Matthew 24:27 "For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man."

Excuse me but, since when does lightning have a direction? It doesn't, however, this "light" comes from the east and flashes and is visible even in the west. This is how Ahnsahnghong came. As "light" from the East and has traveled even to the West and all parts of the world in just a matter of a few years, the news of his coming continues to be heard. Whether old or young, educated or not, who wouldn't want to hear the news that the Christ that appeared many years ago has returned? For some, there are no greater news than knowing the Christ has come... is there? Church of God World Mission Society continues to teach directly from the bible proving and explaining the Christ' second coming. This is the church established by Ahnsahnghong.


  1. Christ Ahnsahnghong has rebult Zion
    (World Mission Society Church of God).
    Thank You Elohim God.

  2. It is really amazing that 2nd coming Christ came in this earth~!!

  3. yes , we believe in heavenly mother jerusalem & father christ ahnsanghong as our living god.....
    we love u
